Our Approach

By speaking at schools and various events, through the use of social media, and by promoting our message on the t-shirts and merchandise we sell, we are raising awareness of the threat elephants face from poachers.  All of the profits from the sale of Elephant Highway merchandise go directly to organizations that work in the field to protect elephants from poachers. 

In addition, we support local artists who work and live in regions of the globe where elephant poaching is prevalent.  By supporting these men and women, we are directly helping the economies of isolated villages where many impoverished people resort to poaching as a means of getting money.  We also do our best to educate the artists that we work with about the important role elephants play in the ecosystems that they live in.   One individual can have a tremendous effect on his or her community - and by educating a single person, we are changing the way an entire group of people sees a truly extraordinary endangered species. 



Sizing Chart
Size Charts